For every Haitian and all of the friends of Haiti, today is still unforgettable. Bad souvenir! Some are gone forever, but others are saved. This day reminds us that every life count. Every single one. We, Haitian Education Project(HEP), are still working to deliver good projects and activities to our communities in Haiti. We take the moment to thank all of our partnerships, missionaries, and donors for the mission of HEP. We will keep educating to save lives. #january12th #haiti #hep #haitianeducationproject #haitianeducationprojectinc ![]()
Haitian Education Project fonde nan lane 2003 nan peyi Etazini. Kounya li etabli li nan mitan vil Okap. Nap kore peyi nou nan edikasyon, ekonomi, kilti, epi angajman sivik.
Pase vin vizite nou nan adrès sila. #5, ri 23 C, Okap Nan dat 12 Janvye 2023, pandan nap raple nou de jounen an, nou pote angajman nou pou nou kontinye kreye aktivite ak bay lespwa. Depi 10è nan maten jiska 5è nan apremidi, vini aprann de òganizasyon ak kòman ou menm ka fè pati òganizasyon an ak kontribiye ak nou nan devlopman peyi nou. Nan okazyon 219èm anivèsè batay Vètyè, òganizasyon Haitian Education Project -HEP, renouvle, bay kominote ayisyèn nan, angajman l pou l goumen pou yon pi bon avni, sa vle di edike pou sove lavi.
Nan memwa ewo nou yo! HEP, edike pou sove lavi. ------------------------------------- A l’occasion du 219ème anniversaire de la Bataille de Vertières, l’organisation Haitian Education Project –HEP, renouvelle, à la communauté haïtienne, son engagement à éduquer pour sauver des vies. En mémoire de nos héros! HEP, éduquer pour sauver des vies. ------------------------------------- On the occasion of the 219th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, the organization Haitian Education Project -HEP, renews, to the Haitian community, its commitment to fight for a better future, that is to say to educate to save lives. In memory of our heroes! HEP, educate to save lives. ------------------------------------- #haitianeducationproject #hep #batailledevertieres #community #project #education #engagement #future The Haitian Education Project, Inc. (HEP)* has officially launched the first ever Slow Food convivia in Haiti. As part of the inaugural launch, HEP has established convivia in four areas –Port-au-Prince, Fort-Liberté, Pétion-ville, Cap-Haïtien– with plans to launch more in the near future. Each convivium will organize events and activities that promote local consumption, agricultural biodiversity, and sustainable food production. Slow Food in Haiti Convivia will also be represented at this year’s gastronomic festival Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Turin, Italy. “Protecting local food cultures and traditions promotes healthy societies,” says Guy Lainé, an agricultural engineer and Regional Project Director for HEP. “Traditional agriculture reduces pollution, minimizes climate change, and cultivates a better nutritional value in the foods we consume, which is of great importance to our health. Like the old adage goes: ‘We are what we eat.’”
The month of November was another successful month for HEP due to all the events that we held and the amount of people that participated with us. Some of the events that we held include the Know Your Candidate Political Forum, Fast For The Orphans, and Feast of The World. We also had an information table set up at Barnies Coffee and Tea shop in Lutz, FL. We invite you to continue to participate and join us in our future events as they are sure to be more successful and exciting.
Here are a few pictures that tell of our story and the message we are bringing to the the world during the month of November: The month of October was a very busy month for the organization and we are thankful for everyone who collaborated with us in order to carry out our mission. Here are the key events that we participated in and worked on during the month of October.
January 2023
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HAITIAN EDUCATION PROJECT, INC.Founded in 2003, the Haitian Education Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that aims to build self-sufficient communities in Haiti through effective education programs.
CONTACT INFOIf you have any further questions or comments please contact us on one of our communication channels.
Address: P.O. Box 46596 Tampa, FL 33646 Toll Free: Phone:813 406 6093 Email: [email protected] |